Weekly digest (Easter Sunday)*

Denys V. Grabchak
2 min readApr 12, 2020

Predicting the shape of the post-coronavirus world is challenging, but with no doubt the changes will be significant.

Photo from https://twitter.com/eul3nspi3ge7

What My Generation Z Kids Taught Me About The Digital Economy

There is a lot to learn from Generation Z (born after 1996)— being direct and straight to the point, nurturing your authentic self and valuing flexibility over monetary returns.

It is highly unlikely that you will see Generation Z employees working late in the office, competing for a chance to get promoted. It is much more likely that you will not see them coming to the office at all.

“My Gen Z kids and employees have an uncanny knack of sniffing out workplace garbage, so if there is any lurking in your organization’s values, communications or the way it does business, take heed”.

Is Working From Home The Future Of Work?

How many of us had not used Zoom prior to March 2020? And even if we had, could we have imagined that it would be used to host a six-year-olds’ gymnastics class?

Once the quarantine is over, how many of us will rush back to the office?

And, most importantly, are we really “working from home” or are we at home, as a result of a crisis, “trying to do work”?

“Also worth remembering: some people who are now working remotely aren’t doing so because their employer likes it, but because it’s become a necessity to get jobs done”.

Face the Future of Work by Examining Your Culture First

Your employees will not be helpful and productive during the crisis if they don’t know what’s happening. Live and regularly communicate company values and make sure that leaders and managers are doing the same.

“But when leaders charge the storm by clarifying their purpose. When they ensure that purpose includes values like a willingness to embrace change and invest in development. And when they then follow through and align this with their workforce by using clear signals, leaders proactively eliminate resistance, and they do so from the start”.

*Weekly digest by Tatyana Everzova. Edited by Denys Grabchak.

